

I have fond memories of ringing the door bell of my home and being greeted by the aroma of food... the tantalizing aroma of gooey chocolate cake or the savoury smell of crisp biscuits or the spicy aroma of Indian curries or sometimes the humble smell of freshly cooked chapattis. My mother would open the door and look at me expectantly as I would sniff and name the exact dish that she had been cooking to surprise me, "that smells like my favourite curry " I'd tell her proudly. 

My connection with cooking is age-old, My grandfather owned a famous namkeen-shop in Kanpur (the thought of all the delicious namkeens and mithais makes my mother's mouth water even today). On the other hand people from all over Kanpur would come to my grandmother asking her to give them a bottle of her nimbu-ka-achaar (I have heard from my mother that my Nani-ma could prepare upto 15-16 different types of pickles!) My mother is the master chef of our family (we have had guests calling us beforehand to tell my mom, "we'd love it, if you can serve us again those samosa you made the other time") and my sister is the true beneficiary of my mother's cooking skills and I'd like to believe that I too have inherited a small fraction of my family's skill and love for cooking and feeding people.

From never entering the kitchen to slowly learning to prepare maggi to occasionally stirring up a decent dish, to starting to enjoy the satisfaction that one gets after cooking a dish and serving it to a family who gulps is all down tastefully, I have come a long way. I Love eating and I Love cooking and I hope that whoever stops by this blog takes with them at least one recipe to serve to a table full of people they love to cook for... Hearty cooking :) 

About the Blog:

This blog is an attempt to put together all my favourite trial and error recipes and all the other tried and tested recipes that I have inherited from my mother & my sister and also some recipes that I’ve learnt over the internet. I am a vegetarian and my mother is one of the those women who freaks out at the mere mention of chicken in the kitchen so all my recipes are completely vegetarian (no eggs too). If you are looking for gourmet quality recipes than you may be slightly disappointed as all my recipes are simplistic recipes for the everyday home-cook. Although in the near future I do hope to get better with practice and be able to present more gourmet quality stuff.

Also my mother is very possessive about her recipes and would always guard them well, I too for a long time grew up with the same belief but then I thought about the numerous awesome people who’ve shared their recipes on their blogs or other social medias and thanks to them I’ve discovered so many new stuffs or so many interesting ways of doing the old stuffs. I have come to realise that indeed knowledge tastes best when it’s shared and there is absolutely no point in knowing things if all you are going to do is take your knowledge with you to your grave.

So if you are reading this blog and want to contribute your recipes then do leave me an email with your name, recipe & pictures of the dish and I’ll publish in on the blog with your name. Even otherwise if you want to comment, compliment, criticize, advise, suggest or just stop by to say Hi then you can post a comment herein below or alternatively drop me an email at –

PS: All the pictures on the blog belong to me and as you must have already gathered, I am neither a great photographer nor do I own a DSLR and believe to be one of those self-proclaimed professional photographers. In spite of all this if you still wish to copy/paste/publish my pictures or my recipes anywhere on the internet or on a paper then please do so with my prior permission or else all your dishes will burn and all your cookies will crumble for an entire month from the date of such crime :D 

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