
Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Quick and Easy Quesadillas

Quesadillas are a great quick fix recipe, it is easy, simple and really quick to make. You can pretty much add any ingredient to the filling as per your taste or depending on the leftovers in your fridge and with the right amount of seasoning there's nothing much that can go wrong with this one! Here's my version, hope you enjoy it!


2 green chilies finely chopped
1 capsicum finely chopped
1 large onion finely chopped
1 cup boiled sweet corn kernels
1-2 jalapenos finely chopped
1 cup shredded cheese
Black pepper powder as per taste
Salt as per taste
1 tsp red chili flakes
1 tsp mixed herbs
Butter for sauteing and frying


1.    Heat some butter in a wok, add to it the chopped green chilies and sauté for a few seconds, next add the onions and sauté till soft and pink, next add to it the chopped capsicum, boiled corn, chopped jalapenos, sauté till the capsicum is cooked.

2.    Now add the black pepper powder, salt, chili flakes & herbs to the mixture and mix well. Lastly add the shredded cheese, mix well and turn off the flame. The cheese should have melted by now and the mixture will be gooey.

3.    Next take the tortilla, spread the mixture on one half of the tortilla and place the other half on top of it to make a semi circle. Heat a pan, smear butter on both sides of the tortilla and cooks it till it browns lightly and crisps. Cut the quesadillas into triangles and serve with some sour cream or salsa.


 I’ve used ready-made tortillas that are easily available in the markets; however you can make your own tortilla as well. You can either mix whole wheat flour, maize flour or white flour or use any one of the flour to make the tortillas. Sometimes I also use like to use leftover parathas or chapattis.